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Our members of the Clergy are legally ordained with the Universal Life Church, or the Church of Spiritual Humanism. Ordained individuals are professionally qualified to officiate over multiple

spiritual services and legal ceremonies. We offer officiation over the following  spiritual and legal ceremonies:

House Blessing, Baby naming, Baptism, Funerary services, Commitment, Marriage, Handfasting, Dedication, Affirmation of Love, Invocations, Marriage Renewal, and holiday ceremonies.


(If there is something specific we haven't listed that you would be interested in, please contact us. We are open to most ideas, as long as no harm is involved.)

With every service performed, an official legal  document or certificate of officiation is provided.


Our group ranges from those with little or no experience with Pagan ways and skills, to those with extensive experience with Pagan ways and skills. In either circumstance we do not turn anyone away. We also welcome those of other religions to attend and broaden their horizons.

The Coven of Auranox supports families of all sizes, shapes, race and creed. We discriminate against no one, particularly those in need.

On staff, we have a certified Human Services Technician, and our certified clergy members to help with any issues we might be approached with.

However, we are only so qualified to handle certain situations. Should there be a need for another source of aid, we are willing to guide an individual or family in the correct direction to the correct professional. 

As with anything in society, some things are often misconstrued or misunderstood. One of our goals in life is to offer education and bring clarification.


We are more than willing to speak at public gatherings in order to offer clarification on the subject of alternative spiritual services, Paganism, our traditions, practices, and beliefs.


Individuals of our group have also spoken at public gatherings for topics such as LGBTQ rights/equality, at risk women and children, Transgender rights/equality, against animal abuse, homelessness, disability, bullying, independent business management/growth,  etc.


To request our appareance at a public gathering, please contact us via the form on the Questions page.

A sitation with any individual that contacts us starts with a first meeting. If an individual is uncomfortable with meeting the entire coven all at once, then a one-on-one conference can be scheduled. This method also works best for initial interviews or question sessions.

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