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For quite some time we were unable to properly identify our spiritual beliefs, traditions, thoughts, feelings, and practices of the Craft. Of the existing major traditions of the Craft, none seemed to fit the individuals that make up the Coven Auranox. So we remained identifying as 'Eclectic'. This term didn't really fit us either, but it was the closest approximation of our practices and traditions. In books there are many acknowledged Pagan/Wiccan/Heathen religions and traditions. These specific traditions had to be created by someone. So we figured, why can't we do the same? Out of that line of thinking, the Goddess Manifest tradition was created. Here you will find some offered information about our traditions and beliefs.



Most involved with the Coven Auranox believe the Great Mother Goddess was the creator, but that even she cannot oversee everything on her own. That is where the other deities step in to aide her with all aspects of life. Each of our coven members hold their own set of beliefs and practices. However, we all come together as equals under the belief and practices of the Great Mother Goddess.


The individuals that practice within our group do not identify as Wiccan. We identify as Pagan, and this means that our beliefs, practices, traditions, and general outlook on things are all very different.  Wiccans follow the Wiccan Rede. This Rede states “Love, do what thou will, and harm none.” It is a commonality that Wiccans take the Wiccan Rede literally and tend to preach pacifism. Wiccans tend to deny that there are harmful forces in the world,  and tend to cause problems with others who do not follow their ways. However that is not to say that all Wiccans behave this way. In fact, there are Wiccans that get along with individuals of other religions.  As Pagans we strive to harm none. However, in the process of living our lives to the fullest that is not always possible. In life, there are situations where we must make crucial decisions. Those decisions may cause someone else harm as a result.


For example: Have you ever competed with someone at work to earn a promotion? If you are promoted your salary is raised, and you receive other benefits. Your coworker who did not receive the promotion or salary raise might be affected. Said coworker may not be able to meet a car payment, may be late on rent, or any number of potential issues.


These things would never directly be our fault, but it does happen. We can't go through this life walking on eggshells, stifling the greater good for ourselves. By fighting and striving for what we want or need in life, there will always be some ripple-effect. That ripple effect may cause a form of harm created as a result of any decision or act we proceed with. So walking on eggshells and refusing to stand up to others will get you nowhere. As a general practice we strive to cause no direct harm. In fact we draw together to help and  create positive change in the lives of others.


We are who we are.

Blessed Be.

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